"We find brilliant solutions for plastics engineering and implement them in series production"

grauer Hintergrund mit violetter Ellipse und die Silhoutte eines Mannes im Vordergrund
Identitaet Rechteck

Identity and Origin

When we say we are the "plastic solution finders", it sounds a little abstract. But maybe we were a little bit of that over 30 years ago, when we started very small with 5 old injection molding machines and a handful of employees.

But certainly not as consciously as today, where around 100 employees see their identity in working in the field of plastics technology (injection molding, film extrusion, toolmaking, assembly) to find brilliant solutions for tasks and problems and to implement them in series production. For us, this requires thinking in terms of alternatives, focusing on diversity and breaking away from old paradigms. Our customers are mainly industrial customers from very different industries. Among them are many very well-known companies that are leaders in their industries ... smaller ones as well as large corporations. What is the same with all of them is the very long-standing cooperation that connects us.

"Profit maximization is

not an issue for us".

Why we do what we do

Of course, we asked ourselves why we do what we do. It has become clear to us that we do not want to see the material component, financial success, as an end in itself; rather, it ensures nothing more and nothing less than the material livelihood of each individual employee.

Profit maximization is not an issue for us. In a profit, we see only a form of security and provision for difficult times, as well as a piece of freedom to be able to say no, too.

However, a very important why lies in the role of people in our organization. Whoever wants to, should have the opportunity to discover and live themselves in this "biotope", completely without role masks. Those who do not quite have the courage to do so should find appreciation and dealings at eye level.

As plastic solution finders with a paradigm shift, we have freed ourselves from many old thinking patterns. We have given our organizational culture a name ... "Roots & Wings" ... an organization as a symbol for a living system. With sustainable elements, symbolized by the root as well as elements that stand for individuality, freedom and liberty ... symbolized by the wings. A culture that is strongly characterized by identity and values. Directions face rigid targets. Intuition and feeling should be formative. Free space and individual action come before rigid processes. Skills and competencies should work where they are needed without hierarchies. Diversity is desired and encouraged.


As plastic solution finders with attitude, we follow a handful of very deliberately chosen action values. You won't find the usual platitudes among them.


As plastic solution finder with handshake we see not only the personal reliability on the people in our team, but also the resilience that we bring as an organization ... be it through a solid financial basis, as we only invest the money we have earned beforehand, or through the agility inherent in our culture

schwarz weiss Foto von einem Schild mit der Aufschrift "Schwarz Auf Eis."

"Plastics solution finder

with paradigm shift".

schwar weiss Foto von Landschaft mit mehreren Zypressen.

Organization "Roots & Wings"

An organization as a symbol for a living system. With sustainable elements symbolized by the roots as well as elements that stand for individuality, freedom and liberty ... symbolized by the wings. A culture that is strongly characterized by identity and values. Directions face rigid targets. Intuition and feeling should be formative. Free space and individual action come before rigid processes. Skills and competencies should work where they are needed without hierarchies. Diversity is desired and encouraged.

Action values

  • We grow very consciously, but permanent growth is not our paradigm
  • On the basis of personal responsibility and self-organization, we promote diversity and the development of potential and use it where it is needed. In doing so, we look for people who explain to us what we should do, not those whom we tell how to work.
  • We specifically look for the "right customers", select projects very consciously ... develop brilliant solutions ... with feeling and reason in harmony.
  • We orient ourselves in our actions with the greatest consistency to essence, reduction, clarity and short paths to the goal.
  • For decision making on complex issues, we are guided by the question "Is it doing us any good?"


It is probably only possible to guess what is behind the values ... We would be happy to philosophize with you about what exactly we mean by this and what experiences we have already made with it.

"Action values for

a clear stance"

"Personal responsibility and self-organization instead of hierarchy".

How we organize

We no longer have a classic organizational chart, no longer have leaders, no longer have classic departments, and in many cases no longer have fixed goals and rigid processes. The organizational idea is based on personal responsibility and self-organization.

There are two "fields of responsibility", one each for the injection molding value-adding area and one for the film ... each with a field manager. This is responsibility as part of the task, not as hierarich power.

The formal hierarchy was virtually replaced by a natural hierarchy, because it always needs someone who "goes ahead", who has an idea or solution and implements it.

Each member of the team has certain core tasks, but supports wherever his or her skills are needed. We want diversity and potential development in the We, which should work without hierarchical boundaries.

We no longer plan for the future, but ask ourselves at each point in time "what does it take now?", find an answer and then take the next step in each case. In this way, we act a bit more in our own rhythm and remain agile as an organization for the uncanny abundance of constantly changing challenges that a change of times brings with it.

If you want to delve deeper into our culture ...

... then we offer you several possibilities. In the interview with Gerhard Filzwieser you will find many questions and answers that give insight into the philosophy. In his book "Unbequeme Gedanken - Paradigemenwechsel(n) in der Unternehmenskultur" (Uncomfortable Thoughts - Paradigm Shift(s) in Corporate Culture), he covers a wide range of topics, accompanied by selected images that appeal not only to the head, but also to the emotions. If you want to reflect on topics that are essential for you now, there is a special event format - the "Dialogue in the Studio". We are happy about every exchange of thoughts and also if we can touch you with any thought.

Dialogue in the studio

The interview with Gerhard